Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Every once and a while, I have a craving to cut my hair super short. It usually happens when I haven't gotten my hair cut in a few months, and no matter what I do with it, it seems like it is way too long and gross, and thick. If I don't chicken out (I probaly will), next time I get my hair cut I want to get my hair cut like I live in the 1930s.
The hair styles are just wonderful, but I always worry that my hair is too thick and my face is too round for me to pull off this look. But, I can always dream.

Hello There

Target shirt, thrifted overalls, Rocket Dog boots

 So, I have been having an excellent day, and I thought I might as well make something of the beautiful weather. So here we have it: the first entry of my fashion blog, Tatters and Trappings. I am not sure if this is going to be a daily thing, or a once-a-week thing, or a never-again thing, but I thought I might as well try this fashion blogging nonsense. 
I have recently fallen in love with the look of shorts over tights, and a couple of weeks, I found these overalls at the goodwill. Overalls plus floral thermal plus tights equals autumnal love.